Morhan & Rekan

Our Value
Morhan dan Rekan's key focuses on delivering excellent services to help clients meet their needs. We serve our clients based on three core values: Building personal attention in order to build long-term and true partnership with clients.Delivery excellent services.Enhancing our value to be a trusted partner for our clients. .. Read More
Our People
We are aware that people are our primary asset therefore we recruit the people who demonstrate talent, capacity and character to grow, both professionally as well as personally. We believe the quality of our people will enhance our value to clients.We are committed to continually develop our people with technical, creative and interpersonal skills throu .. Read More
Our Partners
Morhan Tirtonadi obtained his bachelors degree with a major in accounting from Padjadjaran University. He has over fifteen-year experience of auditing and financial consulting.With two other partners, he establishes Morhan dan Rekan after his seven-year experience as an audit partner at one of medium-sized public accounting firm and also eight-year experienc .. Read MoreOur Video's
Company Profile
KAP Morhan dan Rekan - Allinial Global
Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) menerbitkan Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor 26 Tahun 2023 tentang Pengguna Standar Akuntansi Keuangan Inteasional di Pasar Modal (POJK 26/2023)
Recent News
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